Friday Introductions: Evgeniy (Gene) Vakhroushev

geneFrom small town Russia to small town Georgia  (the state, not the country), our backend web developer Gene has had quite the life journey, picking up a multitude of useful skills along the way. He moved from Yoshkar-Ola, Russia to the states when he was 13, residing in Thomaston, GA ever since.

Directed to us from Gordon College, where he studied CIS, and part of a top secret experiment to create a Super-Sol-…. I mean… Super-Coder, Gene joined Eyesore Inc in July 2015. Evgeniy is as curious as a genetically modified cat… errr… regular cat, and because of that he’s been able to expand his range of skills vastly since joining us. Never afraid to ask a question and always willing to lend a hand, Gene helps us take care of different projects, using his strong knowledge in PHP,  MySQL, HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

Though coding is his prime directive, he also partakes in a mixture of other hobbies. He loves to cook, particularly enjoying the process of learning new recipes and seeing people savor the results of his hard work.  He is also quite skilled with automotive work, usually choosing to maintain cars himself. Aside from that, there have been rumors of secretive experimentations with Arduinos and breadboards. He definitely has a Do-It-Yourself-er’s heart. Somewhere. At the end of the day, after everything’s said and done, you may see Gene taking some time to unwind by reading some manga or spending some time drawing.