Polyglot Labs wave


Your website just found a better home

Why web hosting?

Every website and digital app lives somewhere online—but not all hosting platforms are created equal. If you need your online presence to be reliable and secure, we can help—especially if you have a uniquely complex situation. Not only does your website need a place to live, but it should also be maintained and kept up to date.

We know just who you can trust to host your content—and we partner with reputable companies like AWS, Rackspace, or Linode. We’ll find you the right solution—and then work hard to keep it running smoothly.

What does our
Smart Upkeep

  • Ongoing site hosting and operation
  • Monitoring for maximum uptime
  • Up-to-date security to prevent hacks and defend against online attacks
  • Instant alerts and repairs in case of site disruption by hackers
  • Regular backups of all site content and data
  • Developer-managed updates to WordPress, plugins, and themes

Don’t have a website yet? Or need serious help fixing it? We can help with that, too!

Some Cool Websites We’ve Built

Does your website need a better home?